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Make an impact with your time, abilities, and resources as you serve and support others through our Missions to our local community and beyond. Together, we can share the love of God and make an impact on our world.

For information about any of this missions and ministries or to serve in a mission or ministry,
contact us at

Alvarado Intermediate School Ministry

Our Alvarado Intermediate School Ministry is one of the ways we partner with God to transform the world one life at a time. Through this ministry, we serve the staff of the school by providing “thank you” meals and treats and sending notes of encouragement throughout the year. We share the love of God with the students and staff by gathering at the campus several times a year to pray for the students, families, and staff.

Good Samaritan Fund (Financial Assistance)

The First United Methodist Church Alvarado Good Samaritan Fund supports individual and families that live within the boundaries of Alvarado ISD who are unable to pay a utility bill or rent.


*These ministries are not part of the general budget so additional donations are needed to ensure that the critical assistance these ministries provide will continue. Thank you in advance for giving so that individual and families of all ages and walks of life may continue to have what they need throughout the year.

Backpack Food

As part of our partnership with Alvarado ISD, we provide backpack food each weekend ruing the school year to any student who is food insecure. In the backpacks, students receive easily prepared or no preparation needed meals and snacks to make sure they are fed for the whole weekend. This ministry fills students’ bellies and prepares them for a week of learning.

Local Community

Throughout the year, First United Methodist Church Alvarado participates in community events and activities in an effort to reach, love, and grow for and with our the Alvarado Community. This includes events such as the annual Back to School Bash, Alvarado Trunk or Treat, and the Alvarado Christmas

Drive- Thru Grocery Distribution

In an effort to meet the needs of individuals and families in our community who experience food insecurity, we distribute groceries on the third Wednesday of every month from 4 -6 pm. Individuals and families drive through and receive a bag of groceries, a bag of items specially tailored for children, and a prayer. It is our hope and prayer that as we fill stomachs, souls are filled as well.


More Information soon to come

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